Bingo Plus

Fall 2022

It has been a while since we announced a new feature release of Bingo Plus. We are hoping to do this more often in future.

New Features

Hall Check-In

The Bingo + App now has the ability to let your patrons check in at your hall in 3 ways:

  1. Bingo Plus check-in: This is generic and allows players to provide feedback on their experience (only managers can see the comments/ratings)
  2. Facebook check-in: free advertising for your hall! Allows players to tell their friends they are playing Bingo at your hall.
  3. Twitter check-in: same as above, but tweet style.

Live Game Data

Does your hall have games where a bingo on a certain number wins a special prize? This can now be displayed both in the app and on your in-hall displays. Contact us to get it set up!

Pull-Tab (Balls) Games

If your hall plays pull-tab games you can display the game being currently played, including an image of the ticket and serial number. Again, this works in-hall and in-app as well. Contact us for a demo!

(Beta) Live Bingo

We can now play promotional games of Bingo anywhere, any time. It is still in beta, but is available for public testing.

Let's chat!

There's always room for new ways we can help you promote your hall. It's what we do! If there's something you would like to see, let us know! We have more ideas coming, but would love feedback.